
Sunstone integrates high environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards into all of our exploration activities. These are articulated in extensive detail in our 2023 Sustainability Report.

Our environmental and social activities are also regulated by an externally audited Environment Management Plan, which obligates our continuing flora, fauna, water and archaeological baseline and monitoring studies.

Enhancing biodiversity

We work hard to protect and nurture the wide variety of native species that live in and around our exploration projects. Our project nurseries are actively managed by dedicated teams, with the aim of enhancing wildlife habitats which have been diminished after decades of agricultural mismanagement in the local areas. In addition, the native trees and other vegetation we grow from seeds are used in stream bank stabilisation projects chosen by community members, in areas where water-run off caused by the introduction of cow farming in the 1930s has led to significant soil loss.

Low-impact operations

Our exploration activities are carefully designed to occupy a small physical footprint, using low volumes of power, water and other consumables. Examples are our small, light-weight drilling rigs which only require narrow access paths and our no-discharge policy for return water. We practice progressive rehabilitation and safe environmental practices.